
This article contains information to assist you in understanding employer COBRA remittance and plan member reports.

COBRA + Direct Billing members' status types where coverage should be depicted on your carrier invoice(s):

  • E (Enrolled) - A member who has elected and paid for COBRA and/or Direct Billing.  
  • E45 (Enrolled and in 45-day payment grace period) - A member who is enrolled on COBRA as the member has made an initial payment but the member still owes an amount to satisfy the complete initial payment.  
  • TE (Terminated Enrolled) - A member who was enrolled on COBRA and/or Direct Billing but who has now terminated their account. To ensure you are fully credited for any premium you already paid to the carriers for coverage that occurred after the member’s termination date, please ensure the correct termination date is reflected on your carrier invoices.

If you continue to pay further premiums to the carriers, the carriers may not fully credit you if the termination date is outside of the time period that the carrier will retroactively terminate COBRA and/or Direct Billing. Please refer to your insurance carrier contracts for an outline of these timing requirements.

COBRA + Billing members' status types where you should NOT expect to see members' coverages on your carrier invoice(s):

  • PR (Pending Received) - A person who has elected COBRA and/or Direct Billing but is not covered under the plan as no initial payment has been made.    
  • P (Pending) - A person who has not elected COBRA and/or Direct Billing and who is still within the 60-day election grace period.  
  • TP (Terminated Pending) - A person who did not elect COBRA and/or Direct Billing within the 60-day grace period and who has no further opportunity to elect COBRA and/or Direct Billing.

Direct Billing members' status types where you should expect to see coverage depicted on your carrier invoice(s) (Clients with Direct Billing where Member Online Election is Disabled):

  • Active - A member who has elected and paid for Direct Billing.
  • E1 (Enrolled and Paid Retroactively) - A member who is enrolled on Direct Billing as the member has made an initial payment but the member still owes an amount to satisfy the complete initial payment.  
  • Terminated - A member who was enrolled on Direct Billing but who has now terminated their account.


If you would like additional explanation of the different Vita COBRA + Billing report types, please visit our COBRA + Direct Billing Reports article.